How do we transform a Czech startup into a world-class cosmetic brand?

We are designers with results

NAFIGATE Cosmetics makes perfect products that customers cannot boast of. However, in the process of further growth, the young company encountered the limits of design, which, after all, stood behind the development of novelties in the priorities. Although we were initially committed to the banner campaign, a few months later we were planning a journey together for a new design, a better customer experience and products that would not only be effective, but also beautiful to look at.

How did it all start?

In November 2017, we meet Ondra, head of NAFIGATE Cosmetics. He knew us from the stories of our #friendsnotclients Vasek from Raynet and the people from Contentovka who already worked for NAFIGATE at that time. Since they sold their products mainly through their own e-shop at that time, he approached us with the need for better online campaigns.

It worked out, and we are arranging an introductory workshop for Christmas.

Ondrej Mynar, CEO of Nafigate Cosmetics - cosmetic brand from Czech Republic
Ondřej Mynář,
@NAFIGATE Cosmetics

I watched REMEMBERSHIP for a long time and I knew they were making good projects and living by design. When we were looking for a partner to further create graphics for online campaigns, I had them among my favorites.

Martin Brablec, owner and founder of content consultancy agency Obsahova agentura from Czech Republic
Martin Brablec,
@Obsahová agency

We have been writing for NAFIGATE for some time and more and more we have seen the limits of what a brand looks like. Therefore, after our own good experience, we mentioned and recommended REMEMBERSHIP more than once — we knew that the procedure and commitment of Petra & Co. would be the right one. And in the end, it flopped.

Proposed procedure

We start with an introductory workshop where all the key players are: the client + our designers + the Content team.

We go deep into everything that NAFIGATE Cosmetics does, what benefits it has for its customers and people inside the company, and we map the biggest pain points. It turns out that all perceived problems are disjointed communication and not very attractive design.

We continue with a workshop on the characters presented to us by Marťa and Lucka from Contentovka. Persona is based on data and research, so we have the perfect foundation to embark on a quest for better campaigns — just as NAFIGATE wanted.

That's not the way to go

During the workshops, however, we were convinced that even the best ideas would not help campaigns. The design at that time did not allow for much change. We knew there would be no better results. However, timid attempts to discuss the topic of major changes or even redesign were vigorously rejected by the client as too risky.

Therefore, we started designing the first campaign and improving the banners. (as the assignment sounded) At the same time, we worked hard to find the right arguments that would move NAFIGATE from partial improvements to permanent changes.

Petr Rubáček, founder and owner of Remembership
Petr Rubacek,

We had in front of our eyes a great team that honestly developed perfect products. Customers who really like them. Great content and good copywriters. We could therefore say with a clear conscience, loudly and without bullshitting, that this brand is hampered by the way it looks.

Problems of NAFIGATE Cosmetics from the perspective of brand, design and communication

  • illegibility of information on products (packaging had too many effects, some were hard to read)

  • unfashionable design (products, promotional materials, web)

  • Too many effects on the boxes made printing unnecessarily expensive

  • the design did not help communicate the main values of the brand, did not cope with any function, could not convey emotions

  • from the introductory workshop we learned that the level of design is also addressed by the customers themselves

  • the creatives we could design were very limited with the original design (so we couldn't really design the campaigns either)

  • the absence of research on the general perception of the brand, which we missed more and more every day

We gain strong allies: facts and data

From the beginning, we had accurate information about people and products. But one thing was forgotten — the brand. We had no research in our hands to prove how women understand brand values, what associations they associate with it, and how they perceive key communication arguments.

Fortunately, an advantage has emerged in the form of a research agency Data Frameswhich is close to NAFIGATE. It backfired, and subsequent semi-qualitative research among 101 customers confirmed our hunch.

Arguments without parabens and without perfumes finished only in eighth place. For female customers, it is much more important that NAFIGATE Cosmetics has a visible effect. Also significant for us was the revelation of the top associations with the brand - from fewer wrinkles on the first place to hyaluronic acid on the fourth.

Lenka Mynarova, founder of Nafigate Cosmetics - an innovative cosmetic brand in Czech Republic
PhDr. Lenka Mynarova
Founder of Datamar International

For any brand changes, it is necessary to know the status before the change. The aim of the redesign is to use everything that is positive in the brand, to add new elements to the brand and thus give it a new dynamic. And since the brand is always primarily about emotions, the research helped us to map in detail the brand's footprint — the imprint in the heads of target groups. We have seen where the brand is strong, and where, on the contrary, it needs to strengthen. We understand the core of the brand as well as what sets it apart. Based on these inputs, we created the assignment and the basis for us to be able to tell in a year how the redesign went, how the brand has moved and what and how has changed in its perception.

We start rebranding

The research confirmed that the owners of NAFIGATE Cosmetics have a really great foundation in their hands, but at the same time revealed that without caring about the brand and design it will soon hit its limits. After many discussions between management and shareholders, we found a consensus: only with a new design and concept do we have a chance to build a competitive beauty lovebrand.

Ondrej Mynar, CEO of Nafigate Cosmetics - cosmetic brand from Czech Republic
Ondřej Mynář,
@NAFIGATE Cosmetics

At NAFIGATE, we have struggled with the quality of graphic outputs for a long time and we knew that the graphics did not match the quality of the products we make. Our product portfolio grew at such a pace that unfortunately we did not have time to deal with graphics. Over time, it caught up with us when graphics proved to be a barrier to working with several partners. Therefore, after discussions with designers from Remembership, I finally decided on a complete rebranding. I gave the REMEMBERSHIP team maximum freedom and confidence to create a unique cosmetic brand.

No easy work was expected of us. We perceived a number of barriers that the design of the time placed in front of both customers and business partners.

  • design does not reflect current trends

  • uncluttered and disjointed packaging

  • little distinguishable design = we look the same as everyone in the market, even if we are different

  • we use the wrong arguments

  • design without emotion

  • we don't sell the brand story

  • Rejection due to product design and brand presentation

  • Big partners are enthusiastic about the products, but when they look at the web, they say, “They can't put this in the portfolio of brands.”

Ondrej Mynar, CEO of Nafigate Cosmetics - cosmetic brand from Czech Republic
Ondřej Mynář,
@NAFIGATE Cosmetics

We've always had a fairly interesting science-based story. NAFIGATE Cosmetics has attracted larger partners. But our negotiations often ended on the design -- that it's not uniform or distinctive enough. That, too, was one of the main reasons why I wanted to do the redesign.

That's when the time was right for Focus Question. We know that customers who already use NAFIGATE cosmetics will not let it go. Because it just visibly works.

The Focus Question was formulated as follows:

How could we tell and convince potential customers about the LIGHTNESS, EFFECTIVENESS and QUALITY of our cosmetics at the first contact with our brand?

Translated into the specific business objectives of the rebranding, we faced the following tasks:

  • change the previous first impression from a boring to a “cool” experience

  • to acquire loyal customers from new segments for which we were not attractive

  • introduce yourself to big B2B partners as a strong brand with great products and design that will entertain them = become a brand for them that they will want to have in their portfolio

  • get big B2B partners who have rejected us so far and make campaigns with them

  • be with a brand that, although small, stands out from the ranks in the strong competition of multinational giants

  • prepare the brand for expansion into foreign markets

Creative concept

First of all, we need to design a creative concept that will guide us through the redesign, help the brand grow, differentiate ourselves with it and arouse emotions in people. Therefore, we dissect in detail our Focus Question. For a few days, we dive deep into insights, write about 295 statements made by customers about the brand, and build directly on what those who use it and those who create it say about NAFIGATE cosmetics.

  • we want to emphasize lightness and science.

  • we want to show something fascinating and mysterious to look at.

  • We want to show that beauty is a science.

In caring cosmetics, it is also very important how it looks and what emotions it conveys. For women it often symbolizes time for themselves, a reward, or a pleasurable ritual.

And that's exactly what we found:

Watercolor paints penetrating into the water make a fascinating impression. For hovering blobs, as we call our formations, it is not at first glance clear how they arise -- whether by science or from nature. Just like our cosmetics. We continue to fascinate with colors and look for ones that customers will like.

Lenka Mynarova, founder of Nafigate Cosmetics - an innovative cosmetic brand in Czech Republic
Lenka Mynářová Member
of The Board of NAFIGATE Corporation

Brands are all about emotion. And emotions to the brand must be added by “someone”. We need to understand what the consumer expects, what he loves, what he gives his money for, and which brand he gives his heart (love brand). And all these activities are alchemy rather than exact science. In any case, the brand must have a brand name, story and design. Design is what the consumer sees in every contact with the brand.

Validation of the concept

The client team is excited about the concept. But for verification, we need to go to the most important - the customers. Once again, researchers from Datamar join us and help us with pre-tests of designs. First, we test the color scheme and shapes. The original turquoise fell through, purple comes out as the clear winner. After the next iterations, we are testing again — this time with the product designs and the homepage of the site. We're on track. In joint work with Content and the client, we also choose a new claim: Gentle cosmetics.

Martin Brablec, owner and founder of content consultancy agency Obsahova agentura from Czech Republic
Martin Charvat,
Creative Director

The NAFIGATE Cosmetics brand here (quite rightly) takes the classic cimrmanovian step aside. Instead of clashing with other beauty brands in their beauty and grooming arena, she is lining up her own pitch: the category of cosmetics that is both life-friendly and environmentally friendly. All this backed up by hard data.

We are in front of the goal Results

9 iterations of the concept
15 iterations of boxes and labels

The new brand NAFIGATE Cosmetics was born. From the ground up we redesigned, designed and tested the new website i e-shop. We also redesigned all boxes, containers and product labels. By the way — after several tests with the customers, we took a step back and started again. Finally, there are new campaigns.


We are warmed that NAFIGATE Cosmetics has not been rejected by any of the B2B partners approached since the rebranding and launch of the new website. The new design is praised by the customers themselves. The client has distinguished itself from others in a fundamental way and increased its competitiveness among world brands. And most importantly, sales are growing. A side effect of the redesign is also savings in packaging production for the client. For one set of product boxes, which last about half a year, we saved CZK 120,000 on production thanks to the clear and powerful visuals and design without printing effects. In a couple of years, it will be a decent package that the growing brand will definitely come in handy elsewhere.

Lenka Mynarova, founder of Nafigate Cosmetics - an innovative cosmetic brand in Czech Republic
PhDr. Lenka Mynarova
Founder of Datamar International

A design full of passion and other strong emotions is the goal (and often just a dream) of every brand owner. And we are extremely happy to have created just such a design for NAFIGATE Cosmetics with colleagues from Remembership. No more words needed - just look at

Ondrej Mynar, CEO of Nafigate Cosmetics - cosmetic brand from Czech Republic
Ondrej Mynar
@NAFIGATE Cosmetics

We rate the result of the NAFIGATE Cosmetics redesign very positively. The new identity more accurately reflects current corporate values and gives us a solid foundation for further development. Rebranding in collaboration with REMEMBERSHIP was one of my biggest decisions in the company's history — and I can already say the best. Thanks to the new brand, we have already acquired 4 new sales partners (in 3 months) and accelerated sales growth by 20%.

#friendsnotclients team: NAFIGATE Cosmetics team headed by Ondra Mynář and Helena Šňupíková, NAFIGATE Corporation team, Content Agency team headed by Martina Vejvodová, Eliška Gunišová, Eva Novačková and Martina Krumpholcova, Solidpixels team with Martin Hakl and Katka Vondráková, Datamar team headed by Mrs. Mynářová, Marcel Kocián, photo of blobs Lenka Bukačová, packaging photo Filip Beránek

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