Design innovation for global insurtech players
Together with the Impact Forecasting team of multinational reinsurance company AON, we design a cloud-based portfolio risk assessment application. We are building a robust design system to make it easier to add more functionality and applications in the future.
Living proof of successful cooperation on a global product.
Skvělý přístup hned od začátku – vtáhli nás do celého procesu. Strašně se mi líbilo, že nás zapojili a dodali nám to, co nám v týmu chybělo. Zároveň jsme společně navrhli něco, co se nám líbilo, co nám sedělo a co jsme považovali za své vlastní.
6 years
CPO @Impact Forecasting by Aon
We have been working with Remembership for over 6 years and during that time they have helped us develop a roadmap where we want to go with the product and increase the ecosystem of our application. We now design user paths and look forward to bringing a functional and many people expected application that will be great to use.
The Remembership guys are very passionate about their work, you can't say otherwise. It gives us peace of mind and confidence that we have chosen well.
Pomohli nám navrhnout řešení tak, aby ho dokázal pochopit i, řekněme, běžný člověk. Mohli bychom vytvořit sebelepší produkt, ale pokud by nevypadal dobře a nebyl efektivně podaný, mohlo by to snižovat jeho celkovou hodnotu.
With a calm heart, I can finally show something at the big conferences. Replacing many emails with modern applications is a solution that we have been waiting for a long time and already have demand from clients.
Product Design
We have become an external product reinforcement of the Aon Impact Forecasting team. In corporate jargon, we are a strategic part of the roadmap.
We design from scratch with a team that had no previous experience with their own product, now they have a sea of them.
Intensive teamwork
Shifting thinking beyond business management requires a careful approach. The painstaking preparation and every hour worked before the design itself will pay off many times over the rest of the product's life. We're not underestimating anything.
Both small and large can have a comparable impact if relationships come first for them. Our firm grew on the #friendsnotclients approach and it has always proved to be and is the best path in building our studio.
We have confirmed many times that this is the best way to build and develop our studio. What does #friendsnotclients look like in practice? ⬇️
High quality even with remote team
Collaboration with a multinational company requires the ability to conduct high-quality physical workshops, meetings, and video calls. With the Aon team, we have regular calls during sprint weeks and also participate in international calls, which are conducted 100% in English. For quality remote collaboration, a well-equipped workspace is essential, which we have in our own offices at the Holešovice market. Nevertheless, we occasionally meet in person at the client's headquarters.
2 year break
At the beginning of the collaboration, the task was completely different from today. The nature of the collaboration as well as our capabilities were very different. The first task was to design a web interface to replace Excel attachments in emails.
A lot of pages with hundreds of additional lines could contain one excel, of which several were included in the emails for clients.
We propose an application where in one place the client will have all reports, reports and will be able to perform calculations.
Thus, the Impact Forecasting team's data will become available to people in the branches and not just to highly qualified analysts.