The content agency acquired a new identity. We strong partner, solid friendship and 2nd place in WebTop 100

We are designers with results

The copywriters from the Brno Content Agency were so immersed in the introductory workshop that we ran out of post-its. Fortunately, we didn't run out of ideas either, so together we found a way to an identity that they can lean on every day. The exceptional collaboration resulted in 2nd place in the WebTop100 competition. However, the friendship and cooperation with Contentovka continues to develop today.


White rocket icon
This case is different from the others. Of all our clients, they become #friendsnotclients. But we have become friends with the Content Agency so much that we also spend weekends together on a trip together. So maybe we'll be a little more personal in some places. Otherwise, this is not the case with Content.

How did it all start?

1 vision, 2 Bún bò Nam Bô and 764 things to improve. One of our first #friendsnotclients is Raynet CRM. Raynet's lyrics are composed by Content Agency. The content agency was in dire need of a rebranding. And so Raynet's head of marketing — stingray Vašek (thanks Vasek!) — recommended to Martin from Contentovka. The journey to a new brand has begun. In a Vietnamese restaurant in the center of Brno, with the owner of Contentovka Martin, we imagined the path that awaited us together - the main goal was to maximally involve the entire company from the beginning

  • There are 11 of us, but only 1 person shapes the vision. He doesn't want it that way anymore.

  • It is not possible to tell from our presentation what we already know.

  • We do not have a working mobile version of the site.

  • ... and 764 other things, to improve.

Martin Brablec, owner and founder of content consultancy agency Obsahova agentura from Czech Republic
Martin Brablec
Content agency owner

The way our brand looked and acted detracted from the value of our work. We couldn't lean on her.

Proposed procedure

We knew from the beginning that it would take a lot of hours to reach our destination. We believe that a good result requires a lot of time not only for us, but also for the client. Fortunately, they believed in the same thing in Content, so we immediately got the green light to start.

The path to the result

Before each workshop, it is important to get to know each other, reconcile, tell each other expectations, and also explain to everyone what awaits us the next day. We need everyone in the team to be as involved as much as we can and benefit from the whole process as much as we do. Therefore, we do not take risks and solve everything with a day in advance at a pre-workshop coffee.

Vojtech Smid - Project Manager at Obsahova agentura in past
Vojta Smid,
PM @Obsahovka

The idea that there is a whole team involved in the creation process, who will glue colored leaflets on several half-day workshops, struck me strangely. Why don't they just interview us and come up with suggestions? But I soon realized how much sense it makes to create together.

With the then 11-member Contentovka team, we met in a meeting room at JIC and together we adjusted expectations and the next day's program.

The night before the workshop, we did not have a very light sleep. Every now and then there were skeptical but sincere concerns from the team. Still, we were looking forward. Mainly to refute these fears with the methods we believe in.

With a backpack full of post-its, we embarked on a great adventure. After the initial check-in, we started with Jobs — activities and activities that Content Agency does for its clients, but also for itself or for its industry. Colourful leaflets on the wall were rapidly increasing - and disappearing inexorably from our backpack - until we began to worry that they would not be enough.

We also needed to uncover the concerns, problems and barriers of Content Labels. We embarked on Pains. From the classic agency-type problems, we went all the way to the marrow -- we challenged the title, pulled out the fear of burnout, and admitted to ourselves that we had a dysfunctional website. There was so much on the wall that they ran out of post-its. The content broke the record, so we had to take a break and restock from nearby Globus (thanks Martin!). We always want to end positively. Therefore, in conclusion, we left Gains — benefits and advantages of brand, service and access. Copywriters from Contentovka did not deny their profession and wrote and wrote. After Jobs, Pains and Gains, the entire one wall of the Klein boardroom was covered in post-ity.

In the second half of the workshop, we went even deeper. With an enthusiastic and dedicated Content Team, we were looking for Focus Question. In micro teams of 3, they brainstormed, debated and looked for a quest together they would like to pursue. Not the logo, not the website, but the real need of the company, for which we will do everything together in the coming weeks. All of us then tried to perfect the question - because everyone must be aligned with it until the last paragraph, and they must be willing to stand up for it. Until that's the case, we're not leaving the room.

After two days in Brno, we returned home exhausted but full of impressions. We did well - we know what our goal is. It gave us a hard time, but it was great. We've done a piece of work. Skeptical voices were heard again in the feedback, but they were balanced by positive and enthusiastic responses to what we realized thanks to the colorful leaflets. It followed a few days until another meeting with Contentovka. During that time, we analyzed as many of the stimuli that were heard in the workshop as possible. We went through the expectations of everyone in the team and processed the whole atmosphere, which we were full of. We have also carefully thought through Martin's clearly set expectations — turning a one-man show into a functioning and confident whole.

We are getting closer to the result

This was followed by hard work at our base camp in Vinohrady. Intensive brainstorming, thorough research of domestic and foreign competition, as well as initial sketches. Then came another trip to Brno. We went to introduce creative concepts that made sense to us. But we needed to know if they also make sense to the Content Cards team and help solve Focus Questions. Before the meeting, however, there was one more important thing going on. Our Petr and Martin from Contentovka agreed together that it would be best to completely uncover the cards and let Peter lead the internal Contentovka concentration, where the content strategy and brand strategy were to be adjusted for years to come.

3 winter days with Table of contents, 1 creative concept

Friday and Saturday at Kaprálovy Mlýn, which Content chose for its high concentration, was the most intense workshop marathon we have ever experienced. 3 days of inventing, discussing and brainstorming, interspersed with winter walks through a snowy landscape with super people. The dream of every designer thinker. #nabrnodobry Thanks to the fact that our Peter had the opportunity to be at the solution of the innermost problems and dead ends of the Content Box, we had the maximum possible information and suggestions that we could have. This is a big compliment to everyone involved. Petr was only a guide and designer of methods that gave everyone the opportunity to contribute to solving a lot of problems right on the spot or within 3 months of this concentration.

Martin Brablec, owner and founder of content consultancy agency Obsahova agentura from Czech Republic
Martin Brablec,
Content agency owner

Peter's help was invaluable. He not only gave us the tools with which we were able to articulate what we felt, but in addition he kept me sufficiently at bay. I think if anyone is holding a similar event, the leadership should consider someone impartial. For us, Kaprál was the start of a whole new era.

Petr Rubáček, founder and owner of Remembership
Petr Rubacek,

Kaprálův Mlýn is still a huge driving force and an immeasurable inspiration for me to this day. It seems to me that I just handed out a few papers, felt-tip pens, and occasionally lost something. And Contentovka went on like a steamroller, within 4 months of the first Kapral, all internal processes had been improved and fulfilled and we started planning the next tour.

Martin and Creative Concept Arrives

On Sunday, there was only one point left on the agenda. Introducing the team's creative concepts & possible answers to our Focus Question followed by a discussion of suggestions. We brought the concept clear as a slap. Skillful mammals always start with a blank sheet. A lot has changed since the days of typewriters, but the beginning is still the same. Blank sheet. Blank google doc, to be exact.

  • Content agency clients almost always encounter outputs in the Google Docs environment. The work and texts undergo revisions, new drafts, and clouds of commentary.

  • What matters to the content is that clients know who is writing for it. The anonymous critters in Google Docs are transformed into a personal approach.

Everyone wants to know each other and talk to each other - they yearn for work together. So names, real people, real writing... mutual interaction with the client!

We are in front of the goal

The concept that we brought to Kaprálův Mlýn was gaining momentum gradually as we recognized each strong individuality and team spirit of this agency. We talked about real problems and needs so that we could dig out from the text experts who they really are, what they want and what they want to pursue. And we believe that our concept was able to give them confidence and, most importantly, the coveted confident image outwardly. Together we come to the conclusion that this is exactly what Content is. Each team member who writes and communicates with clients personally. The client knows his ponytail - not a bunch of mall shoppers. This is why the new visual style of Content Management communicates with clients through them. Also reflected in the visual style is the environment in which the Content tab clients revise the work - Google Docs. So cursor, flag and editable message right in the logo. That's all, we don't need a uniform logo — on the contrary, we want everyone to be able to project their creativity, something of themselves into it. The whole team is excited, finally seeing some “tangible” output of tens of hours, hundreds of described leaflets and thousands of crowns. Post-its are not cheap at all.

Presentation of results

We need to elaborate on the concept, so we embark on the next part of the journey, measuring exactly 146 hours. We develop the identity, we put everything in the logo manual.

Martin Knizatko, a copywriter
Martin Knížátko,
@Obsahová agnetura

Since the first slide of the presentation, I'm excited. That joint work, Jobs, Pains, Gains, and all the other methods made serious sense. In this concept, I see us, that is Content. I appreciate that the guys brought a backup concept as well, but this is exactly it, they could have left the other concept with the door behind the door.:)

Now still throw it on the web

After defining the basic regularities of the new identity, the web comes into play. For a moment, slightly skeptical concerns appear again. How do we project identity into the web? We give it a lot of care and with the designers we transform the moving and playful concept into the web. It's there, look.

A big thank you to Martin Brableck for putting on us, and for the realization he chose Breezy. The website we designed was not even remotely similar to any wordpress template. It is full of animations and interactive elements, the message in the header changes depending on what part of the page you are in. And the homepage? There you will find the story of the Content Card, which, thanks to Breezy's technological solution, can change itself every day. You might find something new there every time. Even 404 reasons are worth it. Breezy made it, and for that they owe a big one. In 2 months, the website was in the world exactly as we designed and conceived. Animations are smooth and the web balances on the edge of playfulness and minimalism. We are very happy when a few months later the Content Agency website wins 2nd place in the prestigious WebTop100 website competition.

Martin Brablec, owner and founder of content consultancy agency Obsahova agentura from Czech Republic
Martin Brablec,
@Obsahová agency

We wanted a new identity and a website, we got something much better. A new way of thinking, new horizons and an improved whole company. The fact that the whole thing looks good is actually just a bonus. We enjoyed the whole process terribly and I would never have believed it could work so well.

We celebrate together

We celebrate and know that thanks to the courage and openness of the drag horse of the Content Agency Martin Brablec, the enthusiasm and confidence of his entire team, we have one of our best collaborations. It influenced our direction and helped the super-fast growth of this fledgling company. We also found new friends for life that we love very much. Martin, Petra, Martina, another Martin, Vojta, Kuba, Jana, Katka, Eva and two Honzová (we only have those who have completed the whole process with us. The content has doubled since then). We've been through a lot with everyone and it's no wonder we're now forming a well-played and striking team. Thanks to this, we open design thinking collaborations with a better pull on the goal, because we have a partner in content marketing that we trust. Together, we designed the first robo-advisory platform in the Czech Republic or we help blind people with their start-up. In short, design is a never-ending journey of knowledge and discovery.

Team: Martin Kozák, Petra, Martina, another Martin, Vojta, Kuba, Jana, Katka, Eva and two Honzové - team of the Content Agency.

Do you want to embark on a joint journey with us for a better product, service or brand? Do you need to facilitate the workshop and find solutions to the problems you face? Teach your team Design Thinking? Let's discuss what you need to inject properly with.
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